HDB for Sale and Rent

Looking for HDB Flat for sale or rent? The following are our latest HDB Resale listings available for your selection. Do give us a call to view any of the units. Needs a professional advice for a house? We find the best unit for you. In addition we provide financial calculation to make sure your buying is a smooth transaction and is not shortchanged by any seller or agent.  If you are a home owner and keen to rent or sell your HDB, feel free to call us for a discussion. Thank you. 

Sellers are required to register an Intent to Sell via the HDB Resale Portal. Through the portal, sellers will be guided on their selling journey and can track their transaction.

As a salesperson, you should:

  • Guide your sellers to register an Intent to Sell
  • Assist them in their financial planning and estimation of their sale proceeds
  • Advise your sellers on the recent transacted prices and assist them in price negotiation with the buyers
  • Go through the important notes of the Option to Purchase and explain the clauses of the contract with your clients. Ensure that your client understands the clauses of the contract before they commit to sell their flat.
  • Assist your sellers to submit the resale application through the HDB Resale Portal or Estate Agent Toolkit (if your agency is a subscriber) and adhere to the timeframe given. You should also assist your sellers in the preparation and timely submission of documents to HDB in order not to delay the resale transaction.
  • Lastly, guide your sellers on the requirements and things to prepare before attending the resale completion appointment.

Some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below to guide you on the HDB resale process.

Accessing the HDB Info/WEB / HDB Resale Portal

1 Which browser should be used to access the HDB InfoWEB/ HDB Resale Portal?

For optimal results, the following browsers should be used to access the HDB InfoWEB (www.hdb.gov.sg)/ HDB Resale Portal:

Desktop: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 11
Mobile Devices: (Android) Google Chrome, (Apple iOS) Safari

2 Do sellers and buyers need to have a Singpass for the resale transaction?

All sellers, buyers and their spouse need to have a Singpass for the resale transaction. The Singpass is required when they login to the HDB Resale Portal for the various processes of selling or buying a flat.

For those who do not have a Singpass or have forgotten their Singpass password, they may apply for a new one or reset it via the Singpass website at www.singpass.gov.sg.

Spouse who are not eligible for a Singpass will have to contact HDB’s Customer Relations Manager to make an appointment to acknowledge the resale documents in person.

Registering Intent to Sell or Intent to Buy

3 Can salespersons register the Intent to Sell or Intent to Buy on behalf of their clients?

Only sellers or buyers can register their own Intent to Sell or Intent to Buy via the HDB Resale Portal.

4 When should sellers register their Intent to Sell?

Sellers should register their Intent to sell before they start marketing their flat for sale. The Intent to Sell will provide a preliminary assessment of the sellers’ eligibility to sell the flat and receive information about the Ethnic Integration Policy/ Singapore Permanent Resident (EIP/SPR) Quota for their block, status of upgrading, billing of upgrading costs and recent transacted prices of nearby flats.

After registering the Intent to Sell, sellers will have to wait out a 7-day cooling-off period before they can grant buyers an Option to Purchase.

5 When should buyers register their Intent to Buy?

Buyers should register their Intent to Buy at the HDB Resale Portal before they start sourcing for a flat to buy. After registering their Intent to Buy, buyers will receive an instant assessment on their eligibility to buy a resale flat, the CPF Housing Grants and an HDB housing loan.

6 Can buyers amend the information they have provided in the Intent to Buy?

After registering an Intent to Buy, buyers are not allowed to amend the information they have provided. If they wish to make changes, e.g. in the family composition, they would have to delete the Intent to Buy and register a fresh one.

Choosing Mode of Financing

7 For buyers who intend to take an HDB housing loan, when should they apply for an HDB Loan Eligibility (HLE) letter?

For buyers who intend to take an HDB housing loan to finance the flat purchase, they must obtain an HDB Loan Eligibility (HLE) letter before the sellers grant them an Option to Purchase.

8 For buyers who intend to use their CPF monies to finance the flat purchase, when must their CPF funds be available?

Buyers who intend to use their CPF monies to purchase the resale flat must ensure that the funds are available in their CPF Ordinary Account when they submit the resale application. If the CPF funds are not available, the buyers may have to pay any shortfall in cash. Otherwise, the completion will be delayed.

Requesting for Value of Flat

9 Who can submit the Request for Value?

Buyers or their salesperson can submit the Request for Value after they have been granted an Option to Purchase by the sellers. Salesperson can submit the Request for Value via the e-Resale e-Service or Estate Agent Toolkit.

Submitting Resale Application

10 Can salespersons submit the resale application on behalf of their clients?

Yes, salespersons can submit the resale application on behalf of their clients via the e-Resale e-Service or the Estate Agent Toolkit.

11 When submitting the resale application, must all the required documents be uploaded? Can some of the documents be uploaded after the resale application is submitted?

At the point of submitting the resale application, the documents required for the processing will be indicated. All the required documents must be uploaded with the resale application. If all the required documents are not submitted, the resale application cannot be processed and it will be rejected.

12 Whose contact number or email address should be provided in the resale application?

The seller’s or buyer’s contact number and email address should be provided so that we can send them SMS/ email to update on the progress of the transaction or to contact them regarding their resale application.

13 How can an applicant apply for the Enhanced Contra Facility?

The Enhanced Contra Facility (ECF) is to facilitate the concurrent sale and purchase of resale flats. To make use of the scheme, applicants have to submit their applications for both transactions at the same time. They have to submit their request for the ECF in their flat applications. Both transactions will be completed on the same day.

To be eligible for the ECF:
– The applicants must NOT have an outstanding mortgage loan with a bank or financial institution for the flat they are selling.
– The applicants are not taking a mortgage loan from a bank or financial institution for the resale flat that they are buying.
– The applicants must appoint HDB to act for them in the sale and purchase of both flats.

14 How can sellers request for a Temporary Extension of Stay?

The Temporary Extension of Stay is to help sellers to transit to their new homes after they sell their flat. The buyers must agree to allow the sellers to stay temporarily in the flat after the transaction is completed. The buyers must make the request when they submit the resale application and pay a non-refundable administrative fee of $20 (inclusive of GST).

To be eligible for the Temporary Extension of Stay :
– Sellers must have committed (i.e. exercised Option to Purchase or signed Sale and Purchase Agreement) to buy a residential property (HDB flat or private property) in Singapore that is completed and ready for occupation.
– Sellers must not be renting out their flat when the resale application is submitted.

Important Notes:
(a) The temporary Extension of stay is for a period of up to 3 months only.
(b) The sellers and buyers have to negotiate and agree on the rental, if any.
(c) The sellers have to inform HDB’s Branch when they vacate the flat.
(d) During the period of the Temporary Extension of Stay, the buyers, who is the flat owner, will have to pay the service and conservancy charges (S&CC) and will not be eligible for any rebates. They will also pay the property tax based on the residential tax rate and not the owner-occupier tax rate.

Accepting Resale Application

15 After a resale application is submitted, when will HDB accept it?

After the resale application and full set of supporting documents are submitted by both sellers and buyers, HDB will verify the sellers’ and buyers’ eligibility to sell/buy the flat. If the application is in order, it should be accepted within 14 working days after it is submitted. Sellers and buyers will be notified of the acceptance via SMS/emails.

16 When will a resale transaction be completed?

After the resale application is accepted, the completion will be scheduled 8 weeks later. Sellers and buyers will be informed of the completion date in the acceptance letter. The timing for the completion will be confirmed by HDB’s Customer Relations Manager nearer the completion date.

17 How can sellers and buyers monitor the progress of their resale application?

Sellers and buyers can monitor the progress of their resale application by logging in to the HDB Resale Portal with their Singpass.

18 Can the sellers or buyers change the completion date of the transaction?

As the completion date given in the acceptance letter is the earliest possible date to complete the transaction, HDB is unable to accede to any request to bring forward the completion date.

Nevertheless, if the sellers and buyers would like to defer the completion, please send a written confirmation signed by both the sellers and buyers agreeing to the new date to us at MyRequest@HDB, within a week from the date of the HDB’s acceptance letter.

Inspecting Flat

19 When will HDB inspect the flat and how will the sellers be notified of the inspection?

The inspection will be scheduled 5 working days after the application is accepted. If sellers wish to change the appointment, they would have to contact HDB’s Branch Service Line at 1800-225-5432.

The purpose of the inspection is for HDB to check whether there are any unauthorised renovation works done to the flat.
The windows will also be checked to see if they comply with the Building & Construction Authority’s requirements.

Endorsing Resale Documents

20 When can the sellers or buyers endorse the documents?

The documents will be ready for endorsement about three weeks after we have accepted the resale application. The sellers and buyers will receive an SMS notification when the documents are ready for their endorsement.

21 If a family member who needs to endorse the documents at the HDB Resale Portal does not have a Singpass, what should he/she do?

If the family member is a Singapore citizen or Singapore permanent resident, he/she can apply for a Singpass via the Singpass website at www.singpass.gov.sg (there is a Singpass service link on the login page of the HDB Resale Portal).

If the family member is a non-resident, he/ she may sign the documents in person at our office. Please contact our Customer Relations Manager to make an appointment.

22 If the sellers or buyers are appointing HDB to act in the transaction, when do they pay the conveyancing fees?

The sellers or buyers need to make the payment once they have endorsed the resale documents. The payment can be made using credit card (VISA or Mastercard) or NETS QR payment*. Payment must be made before we can approve the resale transaction.

*The mobile apps that support NETS QR payment are NETSPay, DBS PayLah!, DBS digibank, POSB digibank, OCBC Pay Anyone and UOB Mighty.

Attending Resale Completion

23 What is the likely timing for the completion?

For buyers taking an HDB loan, the completion timing can be in the morning (between 10:00am and 12:00pm) or afternoon (between 3:00pm and 5:00pm). For buyers taking a bank loan, the completion timing will be in the afternoon (between 3:00pm and 5:00pm). Sellers and buyers will be notified of the completion timing nearer to the completion date.

24 Who needs to attend the completion appointment?

If all the documents have already been endorsed at the HDB Resale Portal, only the flat sellers and buyers need to attend the completion appointment. However, if they have engaged the services of a private solicitor to act for them in the transaction or appointed a Power of Attorney to represent them, a representative from the solicitor’s firm or the attorney will attend the appointment on their behalf. Family members who are not able to endorse any documents online will also be called to attend the completion appointment to personally sign them.

25 For buyers who are buying the resale flat under the Fiance/Fiancee scheme, when must they submit their marriage certificate to HDB? (solemnise their marriage)

All buyers who are buying the resale flat under the Fiance/Fiancee scheme must solemnise their marriage within 3 months after the resale completion. This is regardless whether they are applying for the CPF Housing Grant and/or the Proximity Housing Grant.

If their marriage is registered in Singapore, they need not submit a copy of their marriage certificate to HDB.

If their marriage is not registered in Singapore, they would have to submit a copy of their marriage certificate to their HDB Branch.

26 What are the things that the buyers need to do to prepare for the completion?

Buyers have to do the following to prepare for the resale completion:

(a) Arrange to inspect the flat to make sure the sellers have vacated the flat before the completion.
(b) Buy the fire insurance, if they are taking an HDB housing loan. They can do it online at http://etiqa.com.sg/hdbfire.
(c) Pay the balance purchase price of the flat and outstanding fees, if any, in full. They can print a copy of the payment advice from the HDB Resale Portal and use it to make payment (by Cashier’s Order and/ or NETS) at HDB’s Payment Office (HDB Hub Atrium Level 3). They will have to produce the receipt showing the payment of the amount in full before the completion can take place.

27 What are the things that the buyers need to bring for the completion?

Buyers must bring the following when they attend the resale completion:

– Identity card of all buyers.
– Spouse’s passport and long term social visit pass/ work permit if the spouse is not a Singapore Citizen nor Singapore Permanent Resident.
– Receipt to show that the balance purchase price and outstanding fees, if any, have been paid in full.
– The Mortgage Fire Insurance Policy certificate if the buyers are taking an HDB housing loan.

28 What are the things the sellers need to do to prepare for the completion?

Sellers have to do the following to prepare for the resale completion:

– Rectify any unauthorised renovation works in the flat and, if required, arrange for another inspection with the Branch before the resale completion.
– Terminate all GIRO arrangements for payments relating to the flat e.g. service and conservancy charges, property tax, Singapore Power, etc.
– Pay the service and conservancy (S&CC) charges up to the day of completion and get a confirmation from the Town Council.
– Pay the Property tax up to the end of the year.
– Vacate the flat and arrange for the buyers to inspect it before the resale completion.

29 What are the things sellers need to bring for the completion?

Sellers must bring the followings when they attend the resale completion:

– Identity cards of all the sellers.
– Original Option to Purchase (Pages 1 to 10).
– BCA windows declaration form.
– Confirmation for payment of the service and conservancy charges and property tax.
– Original duplicate lease of the flat if it has been issued to the sellers.
– Full set of the keys to the flat, including the duplicates, if any.

30 Where can sellers get a copy of the town council payment and the BCA windows retrofitting form?

Sellers can print the Town Council payment letter and the BCA windows retrofitting form from the HDB Resale Portal under the “Approval and completion” section (step 5).


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  • {{item.label}}

For Sale
$ 588,000.00

For Sale
$ 548,000.00

For Sale
$ 428,000.00

For Sale
$ 700,000.00

For Sale
$ 588,000.00

For Sale
$ 548,000.00

For Sale
$ 735,000.00


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