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+65 88009441
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Where is Atlassia located?
Atlassia is location along 40 JOO CHIAT PLACE Singapore D15 - KATONG, JOO CHIAT, AMBER ROAD area. See Atlassia location and map here.
I would like to view Atlassia showflat? Who should I contact?
Please call +65 6610 4527 or +65 8800 9441 to arrange for viewing. Check out Atlassia full details here.
Must I make appointment to visit Atlassia showflat?
Yes you will need to make an appointment to view Atlassia showflat. Our sales representative will await your arrival. Please call +65 6610 4527 or +65 8800 9441 to arrange for viewing. Check out Atlassia full details here.
Where is ATLASSIA showflat located?
To have Atlassia showflat location, please contact +65 6610 4527 or +65 8800 9441. Check out Atlassia full details here.
When is Atlassia expected to TOP (Temporary Occupation Permit)?
Atlassia estimate to TOP on 15 NOV'2025. Check out Atlassia TOP and full details here.
What the tenure for Atlassia?
Atlassia is a freehold project. Check out Atlassia and full details here.
What is the land size for Atlassia?
Atlassia has a land size of 13,996 sqft. Check out Atlassia floorplans and full details here.
How many units are there in Atlassia?
Atlassia will have est 31 units units. Check out Atlassia floorplans and full details here.

Want to know more about ATLASSIA

ATLASSIA Showflat Preview
We would love to provide you with more information about ATLASSIA and answer any questions you may have. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us and we'll be happy to share all the details with you. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Register to view ATLASSIA Showflat
Thank you for your interest in viewing the ATLASSIA Showflat.

Kindly fill in the form below, and we will be in touch with you shortly to schedule a suitable date and time for your visit.

If you prefer to speak to us or wish to view the showflat at the earliest convenience, feel free to contact us at +65 8800 9441 to arrange. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Note: Due to Covid restriction, projects on pre-launch preview require time slot to be booked. Each visitors must provide Full Name as in NRIC, last 4 characters of NRIC number and the number of paxs visiting the showflat when booking time slot. NRIC will be scanned to match booking upon arrival. This allow developers to monitor visitor number per time slot by ensuring only registered visitors in the showflat and for contact tracing purposes if needed. All non-registered visitors will be refuse entry.

PropNex Realty Pte Ltd or its salespersons will not be responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. All information is provided with no guarantee of accuracy. If in doubt, kindly seek appropriate advice from your financial advisors or bankers before you make any property investment decision.

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